Makaela climbs up the shore. In the background my friend Sabine and her one year old daughter,Gabriel, are playing in the water.
making a sand castle
nothing better than getting all sandy at the sea shore!
It's too bad this picture is out of focus. We went to the Aquarium with Makaela's baby play group (it's called Baby Hui). Here we are lounging in front of the fish tank.
She spots something and then goes for it!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Makaela...I wonder how many times she'll have to correct other people's pronunciation and spelling of her name...sorry sweetie!
Playing on the beautiful Hawaiian shore. Makaela loves the sand and the waves. The water is so warm and the sun so radient.
At the Hawaii Humane Society, checking out the doggies.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Daddy says goodbye to Makaela in the morning and lets her listen to the music he has plugged into his ears
mommy take me out!
Jamba Juice is yum, yum, yum. She can drink out of a straw now
sleeping beauty
Playing in the water in the back yard
We're at the mini aquarium in downtown Waikiki
Sunday, September 04, 2005
never too young to practce dental hygiene.
chewing on Daddy's toothbrush! yummy
my sweat peach
A smile of triumph as she climbs to standing position against the couch
At a cafe Makaela discovers the display coffee cups and topples them over. Coffee Beans spill everywhere.