Makaela's recent obsession with Sesame Street's Elmo prompted us to get this costume for her for Halloween. When she's not wearing it she carrys it around like a beloved stuffed animal.
Makaela is Elmo for Halloween, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Makaela plays on the deck of our new place.
Makaela paints a paper pumpkin on the deck.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
If my beautiful eyes and coy smile don't win you over, you must be blind.
Daddy paints Makaela's other knee. She loves it!
Knee painting! yay!
Makaela: "Mommy, can you bend over and help me jump off this dock onto the gravel below? " Mommy: "No, sorry honey. I can't bend over that far."
Close up cutie.
Playing with a train toy at Heath and Lara's clubhouse.
Makaela examines the snow globe given to her from the Cannon family.
A colorful rainbow brightens this rainy Portland day.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
At home face painting. On Makaela's face mommy painted a rainbow and then kitty cat whiskers.
Playing with her first Chinese Yo Yo.
One day for lunch we went to a cafe called Peanut Butter and Ellies. It's a great place where there are toys and games and they serve organic kid friendly foods. They even make their own mushed-up infant food for young babies.
Playing at the McDonalds play place. Yay to junkfood and indoor play structures!
Makaela plays with the guitar that Jocelyn's boyfriend Greg gave to Sean. Sean and Makaela get alot of use out of it. Thanks Greg!
Makaela snuggles in the blanket that her great-great-grandmother Catherine Walker knitted a long long time ago.