Friday, June 29, 2007

At the Zoo!

Makaela is so interested in bugs including spiders, but she will only look, not touch, and she'll FREAK-out if as much as a ladybug gets on her. Poor kid. Here she looks at a tarantula at the insect section of the zoo. I have a feeling she'll eventually get over her fear and be one of those kids who has snakes and spiders for pets.

At the Zoo!

Makaela uses a caterpillar puppet and Issac watches with interest.

At the Zoo!

Isaac plays with a crab puppet at the zoo.

At the Zoo!

We've been going to the zoo a lot lately. This particular trip was five hours long!!! But it was super fun and we took two buses and one train to get there. The Oregon Zoo is great.

At the Zoo!

Isaac takes one of many naps during our trip to the zoo. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

First real hair cut!

In preparation for the wedding, I took the kids to "Castle Cuts" to get Makaela's bangs straightened and to get a trim. This is the place to go to get your kids hair cut. Half of the entire place is kids toys for the kids who are waiting to occupy themselves with. It's great. Here Makaela sits in a sports car and gets her hair cut. She seemed a little worried, but overall, did very well.

Makaela wears spray-on-sparkles and pretty clips in her hair after her first hair cut.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Makaela's and Isaac's room. It's a little tight, but sweet.
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Monday, June 04, 2007

Isaac is wearing the onsie that we tie-dyed for Makaela before she was born.

Her hair is so long for someone her size.
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If ever we ask miss Makaela to smile for a picture she cocks her head like this.
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Isaac is learning to hold his head up. Here he is wearing one of the outfits that Sean's sister Christy sent to us is a big huge box of hand-me-downs! The very best gift ever! Thank you so much Christy and the boys!
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